// by Liggy
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Liggy’s approach to wellbeing and resilience is effective and incredibly accessible giving her work a universal edge. Her natural warmth, empathy and kindness is engaging, and her ability to break what can be an overwhelming topic into digestible and practical tips is a gift I am extremely grateful to have experienced.
These books are great, obviously lots of research behind the scenes, have been put into the books, but easy to read and so helpful with lots of great hints and tips. Very engaging.
Liggy provided a very enjoyable and energetic day for the team. She gave us lots of tips on having a positive approach to work and life and how to manage our own emotions, look for opportunities and to make sure we take care of ourselves in a time of change. We set personal actions plans which will help us in taking forward the tips we want to adopt. A day that is fully recommended to other teams.
It is so important that organisations look after their people. This book really does work wonders – entertaining, interesting and most of all very useful in helping people to get the best out of what they do – the perfect workplace handbook!
It’s been an amazing experience working with Liggy, who brings so much energy, positivity and originality to everything we have done in partnership with her.
I found Liggy’s presentations onboard the Ventura fascinating. They hit more than a few cords with me. A reason, a season or a lifetime you said. I’d like to think the reason I boarded the Ventura was to be inspired by her talks that have now propelled me in a new direction.
Liggy Webb’s ‘Resilience’ is yet another very great work by the author. I appreciate Liggy Webb’s style of writing in that she avoids any unnecessary technical language. She conveys with clear words and examples the concept of resilience. With regards to my field of work (peacekeeping and humanitarian mine action) , I find ‘Resilience’ to be highly relevant.
I thoroughly enjoyed Liggy’s presentations on the pursuit of happiness and related topics. Some expert tips delivered in a direct, simple and humorous manner ensured an interesting, but not too taxing, learning experience. She left me wanting to know more! A great excuse for another cruise!
I love Liggy’s books because they are creative, concise and really useful
Liggy’s presentation was a really fascinating session introducing the concepts of positive thinking and identifying our behaviour patterns. All the staff who attended came out feeling well informed and with lots of practical steps they could use to improve their workplace wellness.