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Please complete the contact form below, and we will respond as quickly as we can.
Liggy’s professionalism and knowledge is obviously outstanding in this field. Also her way of getting over complexity with amazing metaphors make this one of the best presentations I have ever seen.
I welcome these practical and informative “Bitesized” books as a useful set of guides
People within the organisation have commented on how helpful they have found the advice in the bite sized books They make some great points with the main take away being the importance of having a positive and optimistic outlook on life.
Liggy Webb has written a powerful book that shows you how to enjoy becoming a better person.
Liggy’s approach to wellbeing and resilience is effective and incredibly accessible giving her work a universal edge. Her natural warmth, empathy and kindness is engaging, and her ability to break what can be an overwhelming topic into digestible and practical tips is a gift I am extremely grateful to have experienced.
Liggy’s presentations are like Liggy herself; invigorating; thought provoking and fun! What better way to learn than from someone who leads by example.
Liggy Webb’s resilience masterclass was undoubtedly one of the very best presentations to SIBL members in the past decade. It offers a series of insightful and practical ‘gems’ that really work in helping everyone to win through whatever challenges they are facing in their business and personal lives.
In the complex world of stress management courses are plentiful – but to achieve understanding and long term behavioural change the delivery of information is critical. Liggy Webb is one of those gifted individuals who make people want to change. Her knowledge and understanding of the subject is immense and she exudes passion and enthusiasm. Liggy is able, within her writing and courses, to engage people from the minute you meet and you leave her feeling you want to make sustainable changes to your lifestyle. A truly motivational person
Liggy’s presentation was a really fascinating session introducing the concepts of positive thinking and identifying our behaviour patterns. All the staff who attended came out feeling well informed and with lots of practical steps they could use to improve their workplace wellness.
They are amazing. Bite sized yet so much insight