Liggy joins Jon Smith as co-host on BBC Radio Gloucestershire
During the coronvirus pandemic Liggy shares advice on resilience on how to deal with rapid change and uncertainty. [From 1:18:49]
// by Liggy
During the coronvirus pandemic Liggy shares advice on resilience on how to deal with rapid change and uncertainty. [From 1:18:49]
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If books were like coffee, then most would be a large cappuccino; oversized, with foam, sprinkles and syrup – good to look at but difficult to digest. On the other hand, Liggy’s books are like an espresso; perfectly short and balanced while at the same time delivering outstanding content and experience.
Liggy Webb captivated our globally dispersed audience, inspiring practical, positive, and healthy life improvements
I love Liggy Webb’s bite sized books.
The resilience book is like my morning espresso shot. I can’t start my day without scanning through it and some of the strategies changed my life priorities.
Liggy provided a very enjoyable and energetic day for the team. She gave us lots of tips on having a positive approach to work and life and how to manage our own emotions, look for opportunities and to make sure we take care of ourselves in a time of change. We set personal actions plans which will help us in taking forward the tips we want to adopt. A day that is fully recommended to other teams.
Liggy’s presentation style was a fun, lively and interactive and this was without a doubt, the most positive and productive masterclass I have ever attended. Not only was it full of meaningful content, but it provided useful actions which were simple to adopt and consequently it has already started to make a difference for me, my family and my work – nice to be part of something where everyone benefits!
Work is what you make it. Reading this sentence was like an awakening for me and made me aware of what I can do to help myself to change my attitude towards work. I really enjoy Liggy’s style: clear, direct and inspiring.
It’s been an amazing experience working with Liggy, who brings so much energy, positivity and originality to everything we have done in partnership with her.
I found Liggy’s presentations onboard the Ventura fascinating. They hit more than a few cords with me. A reason, a season or a lifetime you said. I’d like to think the reason I boarded the Ventura was to be inspired by her talks that have now propelled me in a new direction.
I love Liggy’s books because they are creative, concise and really useful
Informative,energetic,inspiring and she was very knowledgeable about her subject. Her personality and enthusiasm captivated the whole audience.