Liggy joins Jon Smith as co-host on BBC Radio Gloucestershire

During the coronvirus pandemic Liggy shares advice on resilience on how to deal with rapid change and uncertainty. [From 1:18:49]
// by Liggy
During the coronvirus pandemic Liggy shares advice on resilience on how to deal with rapid change and uncertainty. [From 1:18:49]
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If you truly believe in investing in your people, you would do well to give Liggy a call..engaging, thought-provoking and inspiring
Liggy’s book Resilience is a truly motivational read!
Liggy’s presentation was a really fascinating session introducing the concepts of positive thinking and identifying our behaviour patterns. All the staff who attended came out feeling well informed and with lots of practical steps they could use to improve their workplace wellness.
Liggy provided a very enjoyable and energetic day for the team. She gave us lots of tips on having a positive approach to work and life and how to manage our own emotions, look for opportunities and to make sure we take care of ourselves in a time of change. We set personal actions plans which will help us in taking forward the tips we want to adopt. A day that is fully recommended to other teams.
Liggy’s presentations are like Liggy herself; invigorating; thought provoking and fun! What better way to learn than from someone who leads by example.
Liggy Webb captivated our globally dispersed audience, inspiring practical, positive, and healthy life improvements
Liggy Webb’s bite-sized books have been a great addition to our L&D strategy, helping our colleagues to understand first-hand that learning really can happen in the time it takes to drink a cuppa. Whether it’s a golden nugget of new insight or providing the motivation to have that much needed conversation to bring about positive change.
Liggy Webb’s ‘Resilience’ is yet another very great work by the author. I appreciate Liggy Webb’s style of writing in that she avoids any unnecessary technical language. She conveys with clear words and examples the concept of resilience. With regards to my field of work (peacekeeping and humanitarian mine action) , I find ‘Resilience’ to be highly relevant.
In a fast paced world, Liggy’s bite sized books are perfect for quickly digesting invaluable information.
In the complex world of stress management courses are plentiful – but to achieve understanding and long term behavioural change the delivery of information is critical. Liggy Webb is one of those gifted individuals who make people want to change. Her knowledge and understanding of the subject is immense and she exudes passion and enthusiasm. Liggy is able, within her writing and courses, to engage people from the minute you meet and you leave her feeling you want to make sustainable changes to your lifestyle. A truly motivational person