Do you ever find it hard to get going and motivate yourself to get things done?
We can all feel like this from time to time and may even find ourselves languishing and procrastinating.
This can lead to lethargy, bad habits and even impact on our mental health and wellbeing so it’s important to seek out ways to get motivated.
So, what is motivation?
Motivation is essentially the internal drive that gets us going and it is the reason we set goals and the force and energy that inspires us to achieve them.
There are different types of motivation. For example, we might be motivated by external rewards which is known as extrinsic motivation, or we may be motivated by the enjoyment of the task itself which is known as intrinsic motivation.
There are three different components that help us to get and stay motivated:
- Activation – this is the decision to initiate something in the first place.
- Persistence – this is the continued effort toward a goal even through challenges, obstacles and setbacks.
- Intensity – this is the concentration and energy that goes into pursuing our goals.

What are the benefits of motivation?
Motivation is the driving force behind some of our great achievements and the bedrock of personal success. When we understand what motivates us, we can set goals that are aligned with our values and interests.
Motivation will help us to increase our productivity and when we are motivated, we will feel much more energised to take action and make things happen. Motivation can also improve our overall wellbeing because it helps us to feel more in control of our lives which can lead to greater happiness and personal fulfilment. We will also be able to inspire others by setting a great motivational example.
It is well worth considering and understanding what motivates us to do something and to be aware of some of the barriers to motivation. Some common demotivators can be lack of energy, boredom, being micromanaged, lack of reward, negativity, poor communication or lack of confidence.
Some of the common motivators could involve challenging work that allows us to learn and grow. It may also be knowing that we will make a positive impact, being appreciated or being tangibly rewarded for our efforts.
So here are a few ways to get motivated.

Set SMART goals
SMART goals is a framework and acronym for setting effective goals that are clear, achievable and measurable. Ask yourself the following when you set a new goal:
Specific: what exactly do I want to achieve?
Measurable: how will I track and quantify my progress?
Achievable: is my goal realistic and attainable based on my skills, resources and time constraints?
Relevant: why is this goal important to me and how does it fit into my larger life objectives?
Timed: what is the specific timeline and deadline for achieving this goal?

Believe in yourself
To achieve is to believe and building up our self- confidence and self-worth is important. Without a belief in our abilities, we stop ourselves discovering our hidden talents.
Self-belief is a key ingredient to success and allows us to set ambitious goals and feel motivated
to follow them. When faced with challenges or setbacks, self-belief gives us the resilience to persevere and keep going. So, listen carefully to your inner narrative and reframe thoughts that self-limit or self-sabotage you. We are all a work in progress and self-belief empowers us to achieve our potential.

Refuse the snooze
A great way to feel motivated is to kickstart the day. This is about ‘getting up and going’. There are three ways that we can start our day in a motivated way:
- Refuse the snooze – this means getting out of bed as soon as our alarm goes off because we will feel more awake and energised throughout the day.
- Wake up with an attitude of gratitude – avoid ‘doomscrolling’ and looking at the news or social media and instead focus on things that lift our spirits and make us feel grateful.
- Do something positive – put on some energising music, do some stretching, make a delicious breakfast, get showered and dressed and do a fake commute to work if working from home.
Refusing the snooze and getting up and going is such a great way to get motivated.
Take the first step
Sometimes, the hardest part is just getting started. So, making our first step as small as we can means we are more likely to do it straight away and with minimal effort. It also helps to be mindful about focusing on action rather than getting stuck in the planning for too long. Taking any action, even a tiny one, is better than doing nothing.
Learning to embrace the power of “just one step”is helpful because we don’t have to do everything all at once. Commit to taking just one step towards our goal each day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. When it comes to achieving goals, consistency and perseverance are the key.

Rest and recharge
To be motivated, it is so important that we take time to recharge because rest fuels motivation. When we feel rested our mind and body will function so much better. Rest also helps us to concentrate more easily, boosts creativity and restores the energy we need to achieve our goals.
When we are feeling sluggish, irritable or having trouble concentrating, it is most likely a sign that we need to slow down and prioritise some time for self- care and rest. Striking a healthy balance between getting things done and resting to recharge is key to sustaining our motivation.

Get a motivation buddy
We may find that we are more likely to get things done if we are accountable to others. This accountability may well come automatically from someone in the workplace or family. There are, however, some situations where we may need to find our own motivation buddy.
This can be a great way to help keep us on track with whatever goal it is that we are trying to achieve. It will help us to stop making excuses or moving our goal timelines. Being able to talk things through on days where we may feel a bit lethargic or stuck can be very helpful. Just knowing we are not alone can be reassuring and motivational.

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