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Liggy’s professionalism and knowledge is obviously outstanding in this field. Also her way of getting over complexity with amazing metaphors make this one of the best presentations I have ever seen.
I love Liggy Webb’s bite sized books.
The resilience book is like my morning espresso shot. I can’t start my day without scanning through it and some of the strategies changed my life priorities.
Work is what you make it. Reading this sentence was like an awakening for me and made me aware of what I can do to help myself to change my attitude towards work. I really enjoy Liggy’s style: clear, direct and inspiring.
These books are a lesson to all in how to deliver simple, effective and life changing lifestyle messages in a time of increasing complexity and media confusion. A must read for those who want to lead a healthier and more productive life.
They are amazing. Bite sized yet so much insight
I thoroughly enjoyed Liggy’s presentations on the pursuit of happiness and related topics. Some expert tips delivered in a direct, simple and humorous manner ensured an interesting, but not too taxing, learning experience. She left me wanting to know more! A great excuse for another cruise!
If books were like coffee, then most would be a large cappuccino; oversized, with foam, sprinkles and syrup – good to look at but difficult to digest. On the other hand, Liggy’s books are like an espresso; perfectly short and balanced while at the same time delivering outstanding content and experience.
Liggy’s presentations are like Liggy herself; invigorating; thought provoking and fun! What better way to learn than from someone who leads by example.
I welcome these practical and informative “Bitesized” books as a useful set of guides
Liggy’s book Resilience is a truly motivational read!