Workplace Wellbeing
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Liggy’s professionalism and knowledge is obviously outstanding in this field. Also her way of getting over complexity with amazing metaphors make this one of the best presentations I have ever seen.
They are amazing. Bite sized yet so much insight
These books are great, obviously lots of research behind the scenes, have been put into the books, but easy to read and so helpful with lots of great hints and tips. Very engaging.
I welcome these practical and informative “Bitesized” books as a useful set of guides
Relevant, engaging, well presented and meaningful
Liggy’s presentation was a really fascinating session introducing the concepts of positive thinking and identifying our behaviour patterns. All the staff who attended came out feeling well informed and with lots of practical steps they could use to improve their workplace wellness.
I found Liggy’s presentations onboard the Ventura fascinating. They hit more than a few cords with me. A reason, a season or a lifetime you said. I’d like to think the reason I boarded the Ventura was to be inspired by her talks that have now propelled me in a new direction.
Liggy’s presentations are like Liggy herself; invigorating; thought provoking and fun! What better way to learn than from someone who leads by example.
Liggy Webb has written a powerful book that shows you how to enjoy becoming a better person.
These books are a lesson to all in how to deliver simple, effective and life changing lifestyle messages in a time of increasing complexity and media confusion. A must read for those who want to lead a healthier and more productive life.