Liggy Webb talks about her new bite-sized book on mood boosting and how to prioritise self care. The book offers a …
Liggy Webb talks about her new BiteSized book on mood boostingRead More
// by Liggy
Liggy Webb talks about her new bite-sized book on mood boosting and how to prioritise self care. The book offers a …
Liggy Webb talks about her new BiteSized book on mood boostingRead More
// by Liggy
Could you do with a bit of a boost at the moment to help you through the darker winter months?With so much uncertainty …
// by Liggy
November is Movember and the month focuses on men’s health. The campaign is for anyone who identifies as male or a man …
If books were like coffee, then most would be a large cappuccino; oversized, with foam, sprinkles and syrup – good to look at but difficult to digest. On the other hand, Liggy’s books are like an espresso; perfectly short and balanced while at the same time delivering outstanding content and experience.
These books are a lesson to all in how to deliver simple, effective and life changing lifestyle messages in a time of increasing complexity and media confusion. A must read for those who want to lead a healthier and more productive life.
They are amazing. Bite sized yet so much insight
In the complex world of stress management courses are plentiful – but to achieve understanding and long term behavioural change the delivery of information is critical. Liggy Webb is one of those gifted individuals who make people want to change. Her knowledge and understanding of the subject is immense and she exudes passion and enthusiasm. Liggy is able, within her writing and courses, to engage people from the minute you meet and you leave her feeling you want to make sustainable changes to your lifestyle. A truly motivational person
It’s been an amazing experience working with Liggy, who brings so much energy, positivity and originality to everything we have done in partnership with her.
Liggy provided a very enjoyable and energetic day for the team. She gave us lots of tips on having a positive approach to work and life and how to manage our own emotions, look for opportunities and to make sure we take care of ourselves in a time of change. We set personal actions plans which will help us in taking forward the tips we want to adopt. A day that is fully recommended to other teams.
I have had the pleasure of listening to Liggy present on a number of occasions. Her communication style has been well-judged for her various audiences and her relaxed yet professional style has helped others to feel able to contribute to the topics in hand.
It is so important that organisations look after their people. This book really does work wonders – entertaining, interesting and most of all very useful in helping people to get the best out of what they do – the perfect workplace handbook!
Liggy’s approach to wellbeing and resilience is effective and incredibly accessible giving her work a universal edge. Her natural warmth, empathy and kindness is engaging, and her ability to break what can be an overwhelming topic into digestible and practical tips is a gift I am extremely grateful to have experienced.
Liggy’s professionalism and knowledge is obviously outstanding in this field. Also her way of getting over complexity with amazing metaphors make this one of the best presentations I have ever seen.