Informative,energetic,inspiring and she was very knowledgeable about her subject. Her personality and enthusiasm captivated the whole audience.
People within the organisation have commented on how helpful they have found the advice in the bite sized books They make some great points with the main take away being the importance of having a positive and optimistic outlook on life.
Liggy Webb’s bite-sized books have been a great addition to our L&D strategy, helping our colleagues to understand first-hand that learning really can happen in the time it takes to drink a cuppa. Whether it’s a golden nugget of new insight or providing the motivation to have that much needed conversation to bring about positive change.
Liggy Webb has written a powerful book that shows you how to enjoy becoming a better person.
I have had the pleasure of listening to Liggy present on a number of occasions. Her communication style has been well-judged for her various audiences and her relaxed yet professional style has helped others to feel able to contribute to the topics in hand.
Work is what you make it. Reading this sentence was like an awakening for me and made me aware of what I can do to help myself to change my attitude towards work. I really enjoy Liggy’s style: clear, direct and inspiring.
I love Liggy’s books because they are creative, concise and really useful
Liggy Webb’s ‘Resilience’ is yet another very great work by the author. I appreciate Liggy Webb’s style of writing in that she avoids any unnecessary technical language. She conveys with clear words and examples the concept of resilience. With regards to my field of work (peacekeeping and humanitarian mine action) , I find ‘Resilience’ to be highly relevant.
I thoroughly enjoyed Liggy’s presentations on the pursuit of happiness and related topics. Some expert tips delivered in a direct, simple and humorous manner ensured an interesting, but not too taxing, learning experience. She left me wanting to know more! A great excuse for another cruise!
Liggy’s book Resilience is a truly motivational read!