Showing all 3 results
Showing all 3 results
These books are great, obviously lots of research behind the scenes, have been put into the books, but easy to read and so helpful with lots of great hints and tips. Very engaging.
Liggy Webb’s bite-sized books have been a great addition to our L&D strategy, helping our colleagues to understand first-hand that learning really can happen in the time it takes to drink a cuppa. Whether it’s a golden nugget of new insight or providing the motivation to have that much needed conversation to bring about positive change.
It’s amazing reading Liggy Webb’s book Resilience. It helps you refocus your efforts and shows what it takes at times of strife and acute anxiety to push on through
If you truly believe in investing in your people, you would do well to give Liggy a call..engaging, thought-provoking and inspiring
In a fast paced world, Liggy’s bite sized books are perfect for quickly digesting invaluable information.
They are amazing. Bite sized yet so much insight
A bitesized book by Liggy Webb is just enough to make the day a treat
If books were like coffee, then most would be a large cappuccino; oversized, with foam, sprinkles and syrup – good to look at but difficult to digest. On the other hand, Liggy’s books are like an espresso; perfectly short and balanced while at the same time delivering outstanding content and experience.
Liggy’s book Resilience is a truly motivational read!
Liggy Webb has written a powerful book that shows you how to enjoy becoming a better person.