Informative,energetic,inspiring and she was very knowledgeable about her subject. Her personality and enthusiasm captivated the whole audience.
Relevant, engaging, well presented and meaningful
In the complex world of stress management courses are plentiful – but to achieve understanding and long term behavioural change the delivery of information is critical. Liggy Webb is one of those gifted individuals who make people want to change. Her knowledge and understanding of the subject is immense and she exudes passion and enthusiasm. Liggy is able, within her writing and courses, to engage people from the minute you meet and you leave her feeling you want to make sustainable changes to your lifestyle. A truly motivational person
Liggy Webb has written a powerful book that shows you how to enjoy becoming a better person.
If books were like coffee, then most would be a large cappuccino; oversized, with foam, sprinkles and syrup – good to look at but difficult to digest. On the other hand, Liggy’s books are like an espresso; perfectly short and balanced while at the same time delivering outstanding content and experience.
Liggy’s professionalism and knowledge is obviously outstanding in this field. Also her way of getting over complexity with amazing metaphors make this one of the best presentations I have ever seen.
A bitesized book by Liggy Webb is just enough to make the day a treat
Liggy’s book Resilience is a truly motivational read!
Liggy provided a very enjoyable and energetic day for the team. She gave us lots of tips on having a positive approach to work and life and how to manage our own emotions, look for opportunities and to make sure we take care of ourselves in a time of change. We set personal actions plans which will help us in taking forward the tips we want to adopt. A day that is fully recommended to other teams.
Liggy Webb captivated our globally dispersed audience, inspiring practical, positive, and healthy life improvements