In a fast paced world, Liggy’s bite sized books are perfect for quickly digesting invaluable information.
Relevant, engaging, well presented and meaningful
Liggy’s book Resilience is a truly motivational read!
Liggy Webb’s ‘Resilience’ is yet another very great work by the author. I appreciate Liggy Webb’s style of writing in that she avoids any unnecessary technical language. She conveys with clear words and examples the concept of resilience. With regards to my field of work (peacekeeping and humanitarian mine action) , I find ‘Resilience’ to be highly relevant.
The Workplace Wellness session Liggy delivered at UCAS has been so well received by our staff. It is great to see so many people sign up to their personal action plan. The session has had a really positive impact on the department.
It’s amazing reading Liggy Webb’s book Resilience. It helps you refocus your efforts and shows what it takes at times of strife and acute anxiety to push on through
In the complex world of stress management courses are plentiful – but to achieve understanding and long term behavioural change the delivery of information is critical. Liggy Webb is one of those gifted individuals who make people want to change. Her knowledge and understanding of the subject is immense and she exudes passion and enthusiasm. Liggy is able, within her writing and courses, to engage people from the minute you meet and you leave her feeling you want to make sustainable changes to your lifestyle. A truly motivational person
Work is what you make it. Reading this sentence was like an awakening for me and made me aware of what I can do to help myself to change my attitude towards work. I really enjoy Liggy’s style: clear, direct and inspiring.
It is so important that organisations look after their people. This book really does work wonders – entertaining, interesting and most of all very useful in helping people to get the best out of what they do – the perfect workplace handbook!
These books are great, obviously lots of research behind the scenes, have been put into the books, but easy to read and so helpful with lots of great hints and tips. Very engaging.